by Rob Diaz | Sep 21, 2011 | General Fiction, Publication Announcements, Real Life
Jodi Cleghorn and Dale Challener Roe have thrown down the gauntlet and challenged me to think about my story, “Out of the Darkness”, and what character I might wish I’d have written about if I could do it all again. Not being one to back down from a...
by Rob Diaz | Jun 12, 2011 | Edited, Non-fiction, Real Life
I was tagged by Icy Sedgwick in her meme and while it has taken me a few days to get to it, I absolutely do not want to be the one who breaks this chain letter… so here’s my post about what writing means to me. Writing is my time capsule. Or maybe it’s a...
by Rob Diaz | Feb 16, 2011 | Edited, Publication Announcements, Real Life, Sci-fi/Fantasy
It has been my privilege and good fortune to be asked to be a part of a new anthology! “Nothing But Flowers: tales of post apocalyptic love” is the second offering from Literary Mix Tapes (a quarterly crowd-sourced short fiction anthology inspired by...
by Rob Diaz | Jan 5, 2011 | Edited, Humorous, Prompted, Real Life
(written based on the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 31, 2010: “What are your Anti-Resolutions for the coming year?”) Note: Most people put in 5 or 10 of these… but somehow, 13 seemed more appropriate for me. I will not continue trying to find...
by Rob Diaz | Oct 18, 2010 | Edited, General Fiction, Publication Announcements, Real Life, Short Stories
The first thing I want to say is thanks to everyone who posted comments describing their worst travel experiences. I’m sorry that you all had such harrowing experiences, but I thank you for sharing them. I, personally, have had many bad experiences. One of them...
by Rob Diaz | Oct 10, 2010 | Edited, General Fiction, Publication Announcements, Real Life, Short Stories
As many of you know, for the past eight months I have been involved with the second set of anthologies coming from the Chinese Whisperings brand. Last year’s debut anthology, The Red Book, was an exciting event consisting of 10 authors from around the world. It...