by Rob Diaz | Dec 28, 2010 | General Fiction, Humorous, Short Stories, Unedited
Some people say that I’m pretty special. I just laugh. Me? I’m nothing! I’m just like any other guy of superior intelligence, better than average looks and awe‑inspiring charm, imagination and athletic ability. Really. Yet, there are still some...
by Rob Diaz | Oct 18, 2010 | Edited, General Fiction, Publication Announcements, Real Life, Short Stories
The first thing I want to say is thanks to everyone who posted comments describing their worst travel experiences. I’m sorry that you all had such harrowing experiences, but I thank you for sharing them. I, personally, have had many bad experiences. One of them...
by Rob Diaz | Oct 10, 2010 | Edited, General Fiction, Publication Announcements, Real Life, Short Stories
As many of you know, for the past eight months I have been involved with the second set of anthologies coming from the Chinese Whisperings brand. Last year’s debut anthology, The Red Book, was an exciting event consisting of 10 authors from around the world. It...
by Rob Diaz | Jul 10, 2010 | Prompted, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Short Stories, Unedited
(written for the [Fiction] Friday prompt on July 9, 2010: “In her right hand a woman holds a loaded gun, in her left, a coin that just came up ‘tails’”.) There wasn’t much more to say, so I stayed quiet. The officer looked at me icily, contempt and...
by Rob Diaz | Aug 29, 2009 | Prompted, Sci-fi/Fantasy, Short Stories, Unedited
(written for the [Fiction] Friday >prompt on August 28, 2009: “A new Government research and development facility is built on a decomissioned prison site”.) “Hey! Watch where you’re putting that picket sign, buddy. Some of us like our faces...
by Rob Diaz | Jul 18, 2009 | General Fiction, Prompted, Short Stories, Unedited
(written for the [Fiction] Friday >prompt on July 17, 2009: “Your character stops on the way home from work and buys an unusual musical instrument — why today?”.) Jenny hummed quietly as she sat on the bus and looked out the window as it rumbled...