So, I’ve long held that despite being male, I am just one of the girls. Lacking any real evidence of this, though, I’ve been forced to use more anecdotal facts to try to persuade the non-believers among my various acquaintances that this is, in fact, true. However, it seems that my distaste for monster trucks, my lack of interest in barbecuing and the unnatural-to-some number of female friends I’ve had throughout my life (historically, about 90% of my friends have been female) is not really a confirmation of my membership in the Just-One-of-the-Girls Club of America .
The fact that some kind soul has subscribed me to Redbook magazine, Working Mother magazine and has also gotten me a brand new exclusive subscription to Teen Vogue magazine (complete with a nice, big For Girls Only notice on the invitation) is also not strong enough evidence.
Well, now I have real proof.
As evidence that I am, in fact, just one of the girls, I present the Gender Analyzer for blogs. The Gender Analyzer is meant to help you, the reader of any given blog, to determine the gender of the author of the blog. I do not know the mechanism it uses, but I am assuming that a lot of science and psychology have gone into figuring out what words men use and what words women use when writing.
And science, of course, cannot be argued with, especially when it is coupled with psychology. So, here we go:
The Theory
I, Rob, a male, am nonetheless just one of the girls
The Science
I have several blogs. Here are the results when I expand them to show all posts (so the analyzer can parse everything on the site and not just the latest thirteen posts) and then run them through the Gender Analyzer:
- Thirteenth Dimension (this blog) when analyzed, comes up as likely being written by a woman (71% score).
- Percival’s Place, when analyzed, comes up as being likely to have been written by a man (66% score).
- Thirteen Exits, my travel blog, comes up as likely being written by a woman (68% score)
- Thirteen Harvests, my gardening blog, is, apparently, written by a woman(70% score).So, three of my four blogs, when read in their entirety, appear to be written by a woman.
The Psychology
I suppose I’m conflicted by this. At least sort of. I mean, I’ve always just been one of the girls and I have no problem with that at all… but at the same time, having some computer program give me cold, hard scientific evidence that I may not be a real man feels like it changes things. I mean, seriously – I do like the power tools and lawn equipment that “real men” like (assuming that real men are into rechargeable, battery-powered lawn mowers and weed-whackers) so where does this computer program get off telling me I may not be a man?
All of this leaves me wondering if I should just officially adopt a single-name penname such as “Roberta,” which was the name all the women in my wife’s all-female dorm at college called me, or if I just need to put some more cursing, fighting and pyrotechnics into my writing, just to prove that I am, in fact, a man.
I don’t know what the answer is, but I do know that I can’t argue with science and this is clearly science. I also know that anything found on the internet must be a true and accurate portrayal of the universe, so clearly this proves that I am, truly, just one of the girls.
I wouldn’t worry, that site thinks there is a 65% chance mine is written by a man.
I wonder if it is because you have more guns and swords and stuff in your pieces and I tend to fight wars with specially-targeted coffee beans…
Hello! (YWP NaNoer here)
I got a “78% sure this is written by a woman” score, so it was pretty accurate. I typed in the URL of one of my (male) friend’s blogs and it said it was 54% sure it was written by a woman, but it is basically gender neutral because it’s too close to tell. Very cooL!
Thanks for dropping by! Glad the tool was pretty accurate for you! If nothing else, it’s kind of fun, right?