My 2012 Anti-Resolutions

written based on the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 30, 2011: “What are your Anti-Resolutions for the coming year?”   I will not petition the USDA to make them add a coffee section to the ChooseMyPlate dietary guidelines, despite the fact that coffee is an...

Just One of the Girls

So, I’ve long held that despite being male, I am just one of the girls. Lacking any real evidence of this, though, I’ve been forced to use more anecdotal facts to try to persuade the non-believers among my various acquaintances that this is, in fact, true....

Writing Is My Time Capsule

I was tagged by Icy Sedgwick in her meme and while it has taken me a few days to get to it, I absolutely do not want to be the one who breaks this chain letter… so here’s my post about what writing means to me. Writing is my time capsule.  Or maybe it’s a...

My 2011 Anti-Resolutions

(written based on the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 31, 2010: “What are your Anti-Resolutions for the coming year?”) Note:  Most people put in 5 or 10 of these… but somehow, 13 seemed more appropriate for me. I will not continue trying to find...