Within the next few weeks, you will be able to purchase your very own paperback copies of not one, not two, but three anthologies in which I have stories.
First up, we have two books in the Chinese Whisperings lineup:
My story, Out of the Darkness, appears in Chinese Whisperings: The Red Book; my story, Thirteen Feathers, appears in Chinese Whisperings: The Yin and Yang Books. The Chinese Whisperings books are mainstream fiction anthologies consisting of inter-related short stories which were written sequentially – each subsequent author wrote based on what had been written previously. Twenty-two authors from around the globe contributed stories (ten of us in The Red Book and all twenty-two of us in The Yin and Yang Books). The Red Book was released in eBook format on January 1, 2010 while The Yin and Yang Books were released electronically on October 10, 2010. And now, after many, many visits and pranks from the entity lovingly known as the CW Fairy**, the paperbacks are finally shipping!
See those links above? The ones that serve as the title for my stories in these anthologies? Click them. They bring you to a story teaser as well as behind the scenes commentary about the stories. I’m told the excerpts, and the behind-the-scenes details, are must read material!
The paperbacks were supposed to be available on October 11, 2011. But the aforementioned CW Fairy decided another prank was in order and as a result the date slipped a bit. But now you can pre-order the paperbacks directly from eMergent Publishing right now. And as long as Amazon.com can keep the CW Fairy at bay, you’ll be able to order from them in the next week or so.
The third book coming out in paperback form this month is the Literary Mix Tapes anthology called Eighty-Nine:
My story, “All I Wanted,” appears in this anthology. The Eighty-Nine anthology has twenty-six authors from around the world creating stand-alone stories inspired by specific songs from the year 1989. The song which inspired my story is “Funky Cold Medina” by Tone-Lōc. This anthology is speculative fiction.
I don’t have fancy links to an excerpt or behind-the-scenes commentary for this story… but I do have a link that might be even better: For a limited time, you can enter to win one of three free copies of Eighty-Nine. That’s right—between now and October 25, 2011, all you have to do is click on that link and then the button in the middle of the page that says “Enter to Win” and you may win a free copy of this anthology! Good luck—and if you win a copy, stop back and let me know!
I also have a fancy link to a video book trailer for this book, too. It’s only the teaser trailer at the moment, but it is still fun!
Eighty Nine releases officially on October 25, 2011. You can pre-order it now through the Literary Mix Tapes website.
As always, I thank you for your support of these projects. I’ve been blessed to work on these anthologies with some amazing emerging authors. I hope you get a chance to pick up one or more of these books and if you do or if you have already done so, I’d love to know what you think of them. Post comments here or, even better, on Goodreads.
**The CW Fairy is a filthy, awful, vile beast that no one has ever seen, but most everyone involved with Chinese Whisperings has interacted with from time to time. Trust me—you do not want to meet the CW Fairy in a dark alley. Or in an airport lounge.
is it available in NOOK or Kindle form yet?
The Red Book and The Yin and Yang Books are availabe in e-book format. Eighty-Nine is soon-to-be-released as an eBook.