2021 Anti-resolutions

I will not write “2020-won” as the year on all of my checks and correspondences.I will not leave the holiday laser light projector on year-round just to mess with my cat.I will not blame Apple or its products for things that I can just as easily blame on...

2017 Anti-Resolutions

I will not rush to get my anti-resolutions out on time, because anti-resolutions, like a fine wine, take time. I will not share posts on Facebook which inform others that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or others are giving away millions of dollars, Xboxes and emus. Those...

FGC#7: Magnolia Day

This post is for the Write Anything Form and Genre Challenge: Write a Tanka Poem Photo: Magnolia tree in my front yard. March 23, 2012.   sweet smells fill the air pink blooms paint the bright blue sky springtime storm winds blow petals dance and fall like rain...