Music in the Air

(written for the [Fiction] Friday >prompt on July  17, 2009: “Your character stops on the way home from work and buys an unusual musical instrument — why today?”.) Jenny hummed quietly as she sat on the bus and looked out the window as it rumbled...

Broken Promises

(written for the [Fiction] Friday  prompt on January 2, 2009:  write about a New Year’s resolution that’s broken in the first 24 hours)   “I am so disappointed in you,” she said in her most disappointed voice and with That Look on her face.  Oh no, not That Look, Fred...

The Gift

(written for the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 19, 2008: write a scene involving exactly two characters that involves a terrible holiday gift)   Tim stood there holding the package in his hands, unsure of what to do. He looked from the package to the crumpled up...