Winds of Change

(written for the [Fiction] Friday  prompt on October 17, 2008)   I drifted, weightlessly, twirling down and down and down, tumbling over and over.  As I tumbled and fell, and screamed with fear and excitement and exhilaration, I thought back upon the days leading up...

My Secret

(written for the Friday Fiction “Have your character steal something…” prompt) I don’t really know why I did it.  It made no sense, really, what with me being a well known author, a celebrity amongst celebrities.  Yet, there I was, sitting in my study with the...

As We Knew It

It was a cold and rainy day, as we knew it would be.  It was always cold and rainy whenever we made plans to go to the beach.  I was rather bummed by this because I had tried so hard to make everything different this time, better this time, perhaps drier and warmer...