My 2012 Anti-Resolutions

written based on the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 30, 2011: “What are your Anti-Resolutions for the coming year?”   I will not petition the USDA to make them add a coffee section to the ChooseMyPlate dietary guidelines, despite the fact that coffee is an...

My 2011 Anti-Resolutions

(written based on the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 31, 2010: “What are your Anti-Resolutions for the coming year?”) Note:  Most people put in 5 or 10 of these… but somehow, 13 seemed more appropriate for me. I will not continue trying to find...

A Birthday Wish

Yep, that’s right – today is my birthday!  And you know what that means… it means the second most famous dude to be born on the 16th of March is livin’ large and partyin’ down.  I’ll leave it up to you to decide if Eric Estrada is or if I am...