The Gift

(written for the [Fiction] Friday prompt on December 19, 2008: write a scene involving exactly two characters that involves a terrible holiday gift)   Tim stood there holding the package in his hands, unsure of what to do. He looked from the package to the crumpled up...

Winds of Change

(written for the [Fiction] Friday  prompt on October 17, 2008)   I drifted, weightlessly, twirling down and down and down, tumbling over and over.  As I tumbled and fell, and screamed with fear and excitement and exhilaration, I thought back upon the days leading up...

The Key

(written for the [Fiction] Friday “Alice tried to remember who had given her the key” prompt)   Alice tried to remember who had given her the key.  There had been many keys given to her over the years but she had never once struggled to remember what each one was...