Glipper and Me

(written for the Friday Fiction “Stranger in a Strange Land” prompt)   I remember it now like it was just yesterday, though it was many, many years ago. “Mom!” I had screamed as loudly as I could while stretching the vowel sound out for as long as possible.  “Glipper...

My Secret

(written for the Friday Fiction “Have your character steal something…” prompt) I don’t really know why I did it.  It made no sense, really, what with me being a well known author, a celebrity amongst celebrities.  Yet, there I was, sitting in my study with the...

As We Knew It

It was a cold and rainy day, as we knew it would be.  It was always cold and rainy whenever we made plans to go to the beach.  I was rather bummed by this because I had tried so hard to make everything different this time, better this time, perhaps drier and warmer...


He stepped outside on the cool, gray morning and felt the misty wet air attack his skin. The sound of the highway off in the distance was just a low hum, barely audible compared to the sounds of the animals in the yard. As he walked to the road to get the daily paper,...