Convergence 2010, Day One

Like a child on his first day of kindergarten, I set off with a combination of fear and excitement, dread and longing. With my family watching, I took that first pivotal step away from the car, a giant step toward that door which would lead me to the next big thing in...

A Birthday Wish

Yep, that’s right – today is my birthday!  And you know what that means… it means the second most famous dude to be born on the 16th of March is livin’ large and partyin’ down.  I’ll leave it up to you to decide if Eric Estrada is or if I am...

Of the People

(written for the [Fiction] Friday >prompt on August 28, 2009: “A new Government research and development facility is built on a decomissioned prison site”.) “Hey! Watch where you’re putting that picket sign, buddy. Some of us like our faces...

Music in the Air

(written for the [Fiction] Friday >prompt on July  17, 2009: “Your character stops on the way home from work and buys an unusual musical instrument — why today?”.) Jenny hummed quietly as she sat on the bus and looked out the window as it rumbled...

Massanutten Vacation 2009, Day Eight

Saturday, July 4, 2009Well, despite the fact that I am one of the most positive and optimistic people I know, even I have to admit that this was a sad day. Yes, despite my best efforts to stave it off, the end has come. The world just seemed darker and colder when I...

Massanutten Vacation 2009, Day Seven

Friday, July 3, 2009  Well, my friends, we’re very nearly coming to the end of our wild and crazy vacation extravaganza. Depending on how you see the world, if you see the glass as half full or half empty, today was either the last day of the vacation or...

Massanutten Vacation 2009, Day Six

Thursday, July 2, 2009   Well, before I go any further (typing the date may have already gone too far), I must shout out that I wish my wife a very happy fifteenth anniversary. Thanks, Ginny, for saying “Yes”, at least sort of, when I proposed to you all...

Massanutten Vacation 2009, Day Five

Wednesday, July 1, 2009For those keeping score at home, today’s wake up time was 4:27 AM. Well, in reality, it was about 2:30 AM. That’s because it was at 2:30 when our upstairs neighbors decided to use the hot tub or take a 2 hour hot shower or something....

Massanutten Vacation 2009, Day Four

Tuesday, June 30, 2009  Day Four of our vacation extravaganza started at about 4:45 AM for me. Sort of. I woke up at 4:45, but I stayed in bed and stared at the wall for two hours. So, to some degree I guess the day really didn’t start until nearly 7:00....